miércoles, 7 de junio de 2017

Visit from Norway

Our 4 E.S.O students received a very pleasant surprise last week as they met their last year pen friends from the region of Stavanger in Norway. They had been in touch with them within the e-twinning project during the 2015-2016 school year and learned a lot in the projects they shared. As they had a really great experience, they decided to have a short trip to the Basque country and visited us in the school. We showed them San Felix and later we took them to “La Arboleda” on a day excursion where they had a really nice time and enjoyed the time spent together.
 Pasadan astean 4. DBH ko ikasleek oso bisita atsegina jaso zuten Norvegiatik. 2015-2016 ikasturtean zehar e-twinning proiektuaren bitartez harremanetan egon ziren Norvegiako Stanvengerreko ikasleak ezagutu zituzten. Partekatu zuten esperientzia ederra izan zen eta hori dela eta Euskal Herrira bisita egin digute gure ikasleak ezagutzeko. San Felix erakusteaz gain, Zugaztietara eraman genituen egun pasa eta egun ederra pasatu genuen elkarrekin. 

jueves, 1 de junio de 2017

Digestio-aparatua sagar baten ikuspuntutik

"112 larrialdiak, bai esan?" proiektuan, LH 5. mailako ikasleek bideoan grabatu dute sagar batek digestio-aparatuak zehar egiten duen bidaia. Jolasean eta elkarlanean, erraz eta esanguratsu ikasi dute!

Dentro del proyecto "112 larrialdiak, bai esan?" (112 emergencias, ¿sí dígame?), el alumnado de 5º de primaria ha grabado un vídeo donde explican el camino que hace una manzana a lo largo del aparato-digestivo. Divirtiéndose y trabajando en equipo, han aprendido fácil y significativamente.

miércoles, 26 de abril de 2017

THE SHOW must go on!

LH 4. mailako ikasleek "THE SHOW" antzezlana prestatu zuten "Where is the Magician?" istorioa landu ondoren. Itzel pasatu zuten pertsonaiak eta mozorroak prestatzen!

Here you are 4th class students' show! After being working on "Where is the Magician?" storybook, they really enjoyed the creation of the characters and customes.